Share Dynamic Information at Room

Hi, friends.

I want know if Photon Unity Networking has a easy way to share a dynamic information in Room. I tryed to use CustomProperties, but, for example, i did create an Empty Dictionary and did put it in the CustomProperties, when joined at room, i did populate that Dictionary, but, when joined the room with another player, the Dictionary was Empty to the new player. I want that the Dictionary keeps the information that was created by the first player at the room.

How can i do this?

Here is a bit of code where i create the Room.
base.OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed (codeAndMsg);
			string roomName = "Room" + Random.Range (1, 99999);
			string masterName = PhotonNetwork.playerName;
			RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions () { maxPlayers = 4 };
			ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable customProp = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable ();
			customProp.Add ("master", masterName);
			Dictionary<string, string> winds = new Dictionary<string,string> ();
			customProp.Add ("winds", winds);
			roomOptions.customRoomProperties = customProp;
			roomOptions.customRoomPropertiesForLobby = new string[] {"master"};

When the first player joins the room, the dictionary "winds" is populated, so, when the second player joins the room, the dictionary "winds" is empty.

I want that this information could be dynamic and shared to all new players that joins at room.