Sending Damage over a network.

Hey there guys, I've finally given up on this and have come to the forums XD

I'm trying to send damage to another Fps character over a network.
In singleplayer I have to add:

hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent<AC_HealthManager> ().SendMessage ("Damage", ImpactDamage, SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver);

But what would I do with Photon?
I know it has something to do with RPC's, but I am stumped by it.

For the Damage Receiver, I have
public void Damage(float Damage){
			Body.GetComponent<AC_HealthManager> ().SendMessage ("Damage", Damage * DmMultiplyer, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
In which body, is the root gameobject.

Additionally, I would prefer to avoid youtube videos as they are very time consuming and my internet doesn't happen to load the code at a very good quality.

How would I go around this? Thanks!
