server setup: GetLicenseInformation() failed


I'm new to photon and I just downloaded the server. I am following the getting started documentation and I'm stuck with the licence file not working. It's working without licence but as soon as I copy my 100ccu test licence into the folder, the licence info display correctly the 100 max connection, but if I try to start Default it stop immediatly.
In the log I have:
3100: 18:19:44.712 - DefaultDomain:1 - GetLicenseInformation() failed.
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Version.TryParseComponent(String component, String componentName, VersionResult& result, Int32& parsedComponent)
at System.Version.TryParseVersion(String version, VersionResult& result)
at System.Version..ctor(String version)
at PhotonHostRuntime.Licensing.eZFPIMJMO(Int32& , String[]& , Boolean& , Version )
at PhotonHostRuntime.Licensing.GetLicenseInformation(IPhotonServerShutdown shutdown, Int32& maxConcurrentConnections, String[]& validIps, Boolean& isBootstrap, Version assemblyVersion, ILogToUnmanagedLog unmanagedLog, PhotonDomainManager domainManager)
at PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager.PhotonDefaultAppDomainBehavior.GetLicenseInformation(IPhotonServerShutdown shutdown, Int32& maxConcurrentConnections, String[]& validIps)
at PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager.GetLicenseInformation(IPhotonServerShutdown shutdown, Int32& maxConcurrentConnections, String[]& validIps)

I couldn't find answers so It doesn't seem like a common issue, is my licence file corrupted somehow ?


  • chvetsov
    what winodws versioin do you have? what veresion of photon do you start 64/32 bit? if 32bit, please try 64
  • Titan
    I'm starting the bin_Win64 version on a Window server 2012 R2 64 bit.

    The default 20CCU licence is fine for my test so I did not keep digging.
  • chvetsov
    if later you will have any difficulties with licensing please write us to
  • Markus
    I object, @chvetsov ;)
    @Titan please follow up here, maybe there is some info in an answer, that could help others in the forum.
  • chvetsov
    ok, agree :)
  • Markus
    @Titan - which server SDK version do you use?