Fast Paced Networking Physics with RigidBody Controllers - Architecture

Hi There,

I did a lot of research on the topic recently, and I'm still unsure what to do exactly.
I would rather like to start an architectural discussion, not an in detail explanation q&a.

My game skeleton is a simple 2d game where the actors are controlled by rigid bodies, forces and torque.
There are collisions between actors, players, scene objects, and such things.
First I thought I will really need an authoritative server and I was thinking about the following setup:

- Build an authoritative photon server application that either starts unity instances as game rooms, and use client side prediction (I couldn't find any documentation about how to integrate a unity scene into a photon server app, if it was simple possible, or would be a lot of effort)
- Use semi authoritative approach, then the control feels good for the player but the result can become quite indeterministic, with a lot of corrections, and jumps here and there. And, of course the worst thing happens when two players collide only on one machine, and not on the other. Having a fast paced game it would be really disturbing.

What technologies would you use to put this thing together?
I faced the following topics:

- Deterministic physics engine - which one?
- How to integrate server physics with unity resources, like colliders, rigid bodies, etc?
- Or how to launch unity instances on the server?

I found out that the Unreal Engine 4.0 has a server mode, can launch scenes on the server side, and has an integrated physics engine. Of course, then it lacks the scalability from Photon, and all the good services.

That's all for now, and thanks for the answers :)


  • avinash
    I am also kinda looking for similar solution. Its for an FPS so i have to make it authoritative with server side physics. I have gone through some tutorial video of a framework using c# physics library and Photon Server. But not sure if that framework is still working. The developer also doesn't reply. So i didn't buy the plugin. Here it is.