Zeus - Serverlist with display of Ping

For the current project I need a serverlist where the current active Sessions are displayed. With that there should be a display of the ping to each session, where the user could sort the sessions by ping (and other options).

How can a connected client retrieve the ping to a session host?

We've tried using Unity's Ping class (http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Ping.html). This failed because it just did not work properly.
Then we've tried implementing a default c# ping. This caused a socket exception, since bolt and the c# ping object tried to use the same socket at the same time.


  • stanchion
    I assume these are Zeus sessions? Gogogadget has this working
  • T_Schm
    Update: I actually found a simple solution to this.
    There was a mistake in the usage of the Ping class. You can just ping a session endpoint. It works pretty fine.