Always return Failed to get server instance.


When i want to crete a room, always get this error code.

OperationResponse - operationCode: 227, returnCode: 32762 (Failed to get server instance.)

Waht is the problem?

Thank you


  • Pandereta
    Please help. None users can create o join to room.

    Messaes when try to join room:
    ,664917 ERROR   Client.cpp                     onOperationResponse()                                        line:   625 - OperationResponse - operationCode: 219, returnCode: -3 (Rpc Service isn't setup)
    ,667136 ERROR   Client.cpp                     onOperationResponse()                                        line:   908 - WebRpc failed with errorcode -3: Rpc Service isn't setup.
    ,796633 ERROR   Client.cpp                     onOperationResponse()                                        line:   625 - OperationResponse - operationCode: 225, returnCode: 32760 (No match found)
    ,797023 ERROR   Client.cpp                     onOperationResponse()                                        line:   794 - opJoinRandomRoom failed with errorcode 32760: No match found. Client is therefore staying on masterserver!
    updateState 9 JoinedLobby
    no match found for random room
    no ramdom invitacion
    ,798256 ERROR   Client.cpp                     opLeaveRoom()                                                line:   564 - no gameroom is currently joined
    isPedidoInvitacion  315 317
    ,968003 ERROR   Client.cpp                     onOperationResponse()                                        line:   625 - OperationResponse - operationCode: 219, returnCode: -3 (Rpc Service isn't setup)
    ,968841 ERROR   Client.cpp                     onOperationResponse()                                        line:   908 - WebRpc failed with errorcode -3: Rpc Service isn't setup.
    Mesagges when try to create room
    Creating room RUmo-355
    ,296406 ERROR   Client.cpp                     onOperationResponse()                                        line:   625 - OperationResponse - operationCode: 219, returnCode: -3 (Rpc Service isn't setup)
    ,296526 ERROR   Client.cpp                     onOperationResponse()                                        line:   908 - WebRpc failed with errorcode -3: Rpc Service isn't setup.
    ,460985 ERROR   Client.cpp                     onOperationResponse()                                        line:   625 - OperationResponse - operationCode: 227, returnCode: 32762 (Failed to get server instance.)
    ,461164 ERROR   Client.cpp                     onOperationResponse()                                        line:   758 - opCreateRoom failed with errorcode 32762: Failed to get server instance.. Client is therefore staying on masterserver!
    updateState 9 JoinedLobby
    Warn: opCreateRoom() failed: Failed to get server instance.
  • Pandereta

    Now woks well.
  • Kaiserludi
    Hi Pandereta.

    There are 2 possible reasons for this error:
    a) a connectivity loss between master server and game server
    b) all available game server are full

    To investigate what was causing the issue in this case we need to know which Photon Cloud you are connecting to (Realtime or Turnbased?) and to which region of that Cloud your are connecting.

    It seems that we may have had a "hickup" on Turnbased EU between 11:59 and 12:16. Is that the region you are connecting to?
  • Pandereta

    Yes. We connect to Turnbased cloud in UE region.

  • Kaiserludi
    Hi @Pandereta.

    This seems to have happened during the deploy of an update to the Turnbased EU cloud that caused unexpected connectivity issues for a couple of minutes.
  • Pandereta
    Thanks for the info :)
  • bishal

    Hey @Pandereta

    Could you tell me where to get logs like you did?