How to make cameras per player.

So I was using the default unity FPSController, but then upon joining a multiplayer game, the camera would switch to another's. So how can I make a camera per player and make it so that's the only one activated for them?
I tried creating a camera per player join, yet I found myself back at square one.

(I looked online, yet there were not a lot of results.)

Thanks in advance!


  • hvault
    There are a few ways to do this, but what I do is the following.

    Have 1 camera in the scene on a gameobject that is not a child of anything, so at the root level.
    Have an instance script on this so I can control it easily (other camera views, etc...).
    public class MainCameraController : MonoBehaviour
    	public static MainCameraController instance;
    	void Awake ()
        		instance = this;
    	// Setup the camera with the default view
    	public void Configure(Transform parent)
    	    gameObject.transform.parent = parent;
    	    gameObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 100, 0);
    	    gameObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(90f, 0, 0);
    Then for the server setup the camera in the script which spawns the player
    public void Spawn()
    	if (BoltNetwork.isServer)
           		//Setup the main camera for the players ship
    For the clients, setup the camera when they are given access to the player gameobject the server spawns
    [BoltGlobalBehaviour(BoltNetworkModes.Client, "Game")]
    public class ClientCallBacks : Bolt.GlobalEventListener
    	public override void ControlOfEntityGained (BoltEntity arg)
    		//Setup the main camera for the players ship
    You'll need to set the correct position and rotation of the camera, for what you want it to look like.
    Hope that gives you some ideas on how to do it :)
  • Thanks for the reply. I was able to code the 1st and 3rd code block. But for the 2nd, I am confused on where to put it. This is currently where I create the player object

    That is in a C# file created by following the getting started 101 tutorial.
  • hvault
    You should be able to put the second script into there ok.
    public class NetworkCallbacks : Bolt.GlobalEventListener {
            public override void SceneLoadLocalDone(string map){
                    var pos = new Vector3 (268, 2, 163);
                    BoltNetwork.Instantiate (BoltPrefabs.RigidBodyFPSController_1, pos, Quaternion.identity);
                   if (BoltNetwork.isServer)
           		         //Setup the main camera for the server player
    The other option is to use server and client call backs, and control the camera being added from there.
    Chapter 2 of the advanced tutorial (which just happens to have info about cameras) covers the details on the server / client callbacks.