Status of persons get via PhotonNetwork.FindFriends is always offline in Standalone

i use PhotonNetwork.FindFriends to get the status of users, but this only seems to work in the editor. I use a standalone build on windows to test it. But users in a standalone build are always offline. Only for users in the editor is FriendInfo.IsOnline true.
Any idea could be the problem?

Best Answer


  • vadim

    What is client state before you call PhotonNetwork.FindFriends? Client must be connected to the master server (not joined to the room) .
    Check log for errors.
    You may also check room list to make sure that client connected to the same region and app id as other clients,

  • Eknoes
    Before i call PhotonNetwork.FindFriends i check whether i'm inside a lobby, but not in a room.
    I've tested it again and suddenly it worked, but when i accidentally login two times with the same user photon seems to get confused. Suddenly the status of both is offline and it stays this way even if i disconnect one user.