Connecting to session through zeus is not working

Hello guys,

when trying to connect to my lobby from another computer, which is getting found by zeus, it is spamming the error:

Can't connect to host "xxx", it does not have a valid WAN end-point

What i'm doing is getting the Udpsession from zeus using:
foreach (var session in BoltNetwork.SessionList)
                if (session.Value.ConnectionsMax - session.Value.ConnectionsCurrent < freeSlots)
                    finalConnection = session.Value;
Is that a problem regarding my own firewall or is it a bolt problem?


  • Now i am co dev for a game but what i think is that your server that do it as it may be blocked and where do you have server from ?
  • Illu
    Pretty long time ago I created that thread :dizzy:

    Think it's because of the NAT-Punchthrough which is in development currently. But thanks for coming back to the thread and try to help.