Unable to use Azure SDK

Attempting to use the "Upload: Azure Lite" option in the build prompter gives me the errors outlined in this Upload.log file

I am under extreme time constraints and would appreciate it if I could get some assistance with this issue, thank you.


  • Seems like a reference is missing for:


    Please open the Azure Lite project in Visual Studio, update the references and point them to a location where the DLLs actually exists. You might want to use NuGet to download them.

    Also, please note that only Azure SDK 2.2 is supported - if you have a newer one installed, you would need to upgrade the projects manually.

    The issue will be fixed in the next Photon release.
  • HellaciousA
    edited September 2015
    So i know this is an older thread and I am brining it up again, but do you mean this will be fixed in Photon 3.4.3X+, 3.X.X or 4+.X.X

    I ask becuase we are on Azure SDK 2.7, .NET 4.6 with Visual Studio 2015. Azure 2.2 isn't even supported by VS2015
  • We are internally upgrading and are currently using Azure SDK 2.6 (I think), yes. The sources for the projects are all available and you can do the upgrade yourself if you want.

    However, the whole PHoton Azure SDK project with support for Photon @ WorkerRoles is
    a) very complex
    b) requires much support
    c) was more or less only meant to be a "proof of concept"

    ... it is unclear if we will still release / support it at all in future versions.

    We built it when Azure did not have "standard" VMs, but they do have now, so there is very little need to use the WorkerRoles any longer.
  • I understand the support issue. Most cloud platforms are VM supported but Azure Worker Role is only Azure supported. Also, they have VM scaling now. I personally like that Worker Roles are fire and forget while VMs have to be pre setup to scale.

    After reviewing the code all the PASK is doing is downloading photon and the applications, transforming the config, and starting a process. I thought it was going to be much more daunting than that.

    Has there been any talk of running PhotonServer as a library wrapped in a custom host instead of a stand alone executable?
  • Markus
    Markus admin
    edited September 2015
    Just fyi - we added a Photon VM to the Azure marketplace. So you can simply ramp up a VM with Photon.
  • So the Azure Worker Role Photon probably won't continue to release anymore?

    What a shocking news for me!
    I thought the Azure role was designed to take advantage of Azure load balancing/ auto-scaling out of box.

    Is there any trick I can do the same auto-scaling for a customized server with Photon VM?
  • Markus
    At least the Azure Worker Role does not have high priority.

    Regarding load balancing, @Nicole might add in more details.
  • HellaciousA
    edited September 2015
    Azure load-balancing for Worker Role vs VM is a very simple concept. They both support it.
    • VMs need to be pre created as part of an availability set and will be turned on and off.
    • Worker roles can be created and destroyed on scale demand up to your limits of available roles.

    The one thing that the PASK did was transform the config for the IP and Port numbers i believe. You could create a simple service to handle that on both systems. I guess that being said you could potentially programatically spin up a new VM and add it to an availability set. I personally like having the worker roles over VMs for a production environment but the exact same thing can be supported by both systems from an Azure standpoint.
  • Yes, that is correct so far.

    I agree that scaling is easier with Worker Roles, we use that internally as well and are happy with the scaling (but not so much with the setup / manageability of Photon).

    Thanks for your feedback anyways, it is always helpful to hear what you are actually using :smile:
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