Need some tutorial or good doc to specific turn based

I´m planning to make a turn based game with photon + unity and i´ve been working with the memory game demo. I´ve tried to understand every part of the code but its quite hard for me.

Now i´m trying to find turn based specific tutorials but they simply don´t exist.

I´m not new to programming but i can´t understand the whole code and every call in the MemoryGameDemo because its very dense and even it´s mid explained i can´t get to even start implementing it in my game.

So my question is... Is there any tutorial step by step to implement photon in a turn based game?


  • Well, i´m trying to understand all this photon enviroment since i´m very confused.

    I click on Turnbased tab and go to sdk download. There says:
    Below SDK implements a lean networking framework, LoadBalancing API, offering programmers detailed control. As alternative, use PUN which integrates more tightly with Unity's development approach.

    Photon Unity Networking (PUN) is very similar to Unity’s built in networking. Developers with prior networking experience in Unity will feel at home immediately.

    Could somebody explain me the difference between Photon Turnbased & PUN?

    As i mentioned in the last post, the workflow of my game should be very similar to MemoryGame included as demo with the turn based sdk.
  • Tobias
    PUN is another client SDK / package which implements Unity's old networking solution with Photon. The text on the download page is a general info which is confusing when you look for Turnbased solutions. Sorry.

    In general, Turnbased games are not that much different from Photon Realtime ones. You use OpJoinRandom, OpCreateRoom, etc to get into rooms and in a room, you raise events (OpRaiseEvent) or use Custom Properties (Room and PhotonPlayer have SetCustomProperties()). In turnbased games, those values can be saved server-side between sessions.
    There is a manual for the Memory Demo: ... emory-demo

    We don't have a step by step tutorial specifically for Turnbased but as said, basically all Realtime documentation also applies to Turnbased, so you could read: ... uick-start

    If you can point us to where you're stuck "most", I can try to help you with more details.
  • namlunoy
    Sorry for ask this again but what is the difference between Photon Turnbased & PUN?
    I'm going to make a chess game in unity! (A turnbased game for mobile)
    Which one is the best solution for my game?
  • namlunoy
    Tobias said:

    PUN is another client SDK / package which implements Unity's old networking solution with Photon. The text on the download page is a general info which is confusing when you look for Turnbased solutions. Sorry.

    Sorry for ask this again but what is the difference between Photon Turnbased & PUN?
    I'm going to make a chess game in unity! (A turnbased game for mobile)
    Which one is the best solution for my game?
  • Tobias
    If you want the chess board to be saved between sessions and if your players can make their move independently from the other, you need Photon Turnbased and you need to use the LoadBalancing API from the Photon Client SDK.

    PUN does not support returning to persisted rooms (yet).

    You can take a look at the Memory Demo doc and the source in the SDK.

  • namlunoy
    Thank you very much for your respone!