Connect to more than one room in Unity

edited March 2015 in DotNet
Hi -
I need to create a room that hosts tournament information and then a room for every game in a round - this needs to be used in Unity.

I understand that PUN does not support that.

Question: If I create a C# DLL, targeting .Net Framework Version 3.5, that exposes the Photon LoadBalancingClient class and then use it from Photon, can I connect to two separate rooms at the same time creating two instances of the LoadBalancingClient class?

Thanks -
Mauro Giusti.


  • Tobias
    I think it would be easier if you skip PUN and directly use the LoadBalancingApi and the LoadBalancingClient that's in there. You can run that once per connection you want.
    However, you will also cause one player to count as 2 concurrent users for the server. That's a side effect.
    Also, I am not sure if hosting tournament info in some room is the best solution. You attempt this because you don't want to modify and host Photon?