Authoritative Photon server advice needed

edited September 2014 in Photon Server
I am making a Unity3D game currently using Photon cloud and would really like to expand into a dedicated server (either hosted by me or ExitGames).
Knowing this, I have already built the current networking code in the game as its own standalone 'entity' (that runs on the master client) that is almost utterly decoupled from the clients code. My hope is that upon setting up a Photon server I can simply migrate this 'server' code the the actual physical server with little trouble.
The problem I have is finding any comprehensive tutorial or guide showing how to do this (there's a few that show how to start-up a server but none that I found showing game code running on the server managing clients in a 'room').
Also, I only hold a Unity3D free licence (can't use plugins and such), will that be an issue?
Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be great, thanks!
