Player properties not replicated on other clients

edited June 2014 in Native

I am currently working with the LoadBalancing in C++ system and I have a small problem using the player properties.
This is what I do :
- computer 1 creates a room => player 1 is created
- player 1 creates a customProperty called "teamID" and sets it to 1
- computer 2 joins the room => player 2 is created
- player 2 creates a customProperty called "teamID" and sets it to 2
- each computer displays both players teamID :
+ computer 2 displays everything well
+ computer 1 displays correctly player 1 teamID but player 2 teamID is 0

It seems that player 2 gets player 1 properties correctly when player 2 enters the room, but the setProperty on player 2 doesn't seem to be replicated to computer 1 when modifying the property after entering the room.

Is there something particular to do to force a player property replication on other computers ?

I use ExitGames::LoadBalancing::MutablePlayer::addCustomProperty(const ktype& key, const vtype& value) to set a player custom property and I run mLoadBalancingClient.service(true) about 30 times a second everytime.

Does anyone have an idea ?

Thanks by advance


  • Just to add something.
    I've tested with a third computer and the same problem occurs : the 3rd computer gets the properties of the 2 other computers, but no one gets its properties.
    So there is a problem with replicating the newly connected player properties.
  • Kaiserludi
    Hi CousCousiere.

    What Client SDK version number are you testing this with?
  • Hi KaiserLudi,
    I work with version 3-2-5-1, server is 3-2-10-4248
  • Kaiserludi
    Hi again.

    This is a known bug on the Client side that has been fixed in the release, so please update.
  • Ok, I'll do that.
    Thank you very much.
