Private/Reserved slots in rooms.

edited June 2014 in DotNet

I'm working with the Photon Load Balanced API on Windows 8 and Windows Phone.

I would like games to have private/reserved/hidden slots for other players to join. Eg. A room has a max of 24 players, but the host/master client has reserved 4 of these slots so that they do not appear in search results (so it looks like a 20 player game, that is automatically hidden when the 20 public slots are filled.)

From here, this master client/host may have friends directly join him.

Does photon support private slots? (like XNA)


  • Tobias
    At the moment, Photon can't do this.
    You could keep a room invisible until all invited players joined (or until the invitation timed out). If the Master Client then sets Room.visible = true, additional players might be joining again.
    A room that's not visible can be joined by name but not accidentally be random matchmaking.