Received OnSerialization for view ID 1002. We have no such P

Please help , I keep getting this error when i connect to Photon Cloud , I had search for a while for a solution but I had found nothing , I had no idea what had i change and get this error , before this , it is perfect . I think that all my prefabs in Resources folder have Photon View component . Sometimes I use Object.Instantiate() if the things i want to instantiate is no need to buffer to all client . Any idea? *Sorry for bad english and I am very new to Photon*


  • vadim
    It's not an error. It's only warning. Of course it can be sign of something wrong in your code but if everything works as expected, it can be safely skipped.
  • Tek
    it's a real error for me because i can't connect my game >.< it's only working on one of my build and idk why it's not working anymore >_<