Maintaning player profile on photon cloud

edited May 2014 in Native
i'am using photon cloud for mutiplayer game. Now i want to maintain player profile and saving data like ranking, xp, etc. Please help me regarding this!


  • Kaiserludi
    Hi ajdjofficial.
    Saving custom date on Photon cloud is not possible for security reasons. It is possible with Photon Server. With Photon Cloud you have to store that data elsewhere on a separate server.
  • thank you so much for your response, please tell how to save data on separate server and retrieve it in my game ?? using photon cloud
  • Kaiserludi
    Well, this totally depends on what you choose as a server. For example when you choose to use some kind of HTTP server, then you would obviously let your game client interact with that server through HTTP. This is totally independent from using Photon (except when you choose to use a Photon server instance to store the data. In that case you would simply let your clients hold two Photon connections, one to the cloud and one to the Photon server instance on which you would add custom code for saving your data).
  • Ok thank you i'll look into it :) great help!!