PUN+ import to Playmaker


I just bought PUN+ and import it into a project with existed Playmaker and get these errors.

Unity 4.2.2. Playmaker and PUN+ Latest

Assets/Photon Unity Networking/PlayMaker/Actions/PhotonNetworkCreateRoomAdvanced.cs(78,39): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(string, bool, bool, int, ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable, string[])' has some invalid arguments

Assets/Photon Unity Networking/PlayMaker/Actions/PhotonNetworkCreateRoomAdvanced.cs(78,39): error CS1503: Argument `#5' cannot convert `System.Collections.Hashtable' expression to type `ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable'

Does PUN+ work with Playmaker? or how can I use PUN+ as default Photon in Playmaker?

I need to use Playmaker and Photon. I just can not CODE Y_Y

please help,


  • Tobias
    I'm sorry but this isn't as easy as you would like. We didn't have that in mind for PUN+ initially.
    The PUN-version in Playmaker is not always 100% compatible with the one we release. Sometimes it's just a bit older or slightly modified. Also, PUN Free and PUN+ are not 100% identical code-wise, so you can't just copy it over and be done.
    I guess we can streamline this in the next releases. For that, I need to update PUN Free and PUN+ (planned anyways) and then Playmaker has to update, too.

    Can you give us a few weeks to handle this for you? It would be easier to just do it than to explain it.
  • Thanks for your quick reply. I will wait for that update.

    I'm also able to import and make them both work together with some tricks below. I'm not sure about the coming errors that might occur. But now, it works.

    1. Import Playmaker
    2. Delete Plug-ins Folder (just ignore errors)
    3. Import PUN+ (without demos and unity scripts). You will get a thousand of errors ^__^ Just keep do the next step
    4. Import Playmaker again. DONE.

    Hope this temporary trick can help people until the official update for PUN+.
  • I think your suggestion would be helpful for me. I will let you know if this works for me Thanks and keep posting such a informative blogs.
  • hi,
    PhotonNetwork.player.SetCustomProperties(new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable(1) {{"MyViewID", NetworkManager.Inst.myViewID }, {"Name", playerName }, { "Score", score } });

    hashtabel to all value add completely.
    how to remove add add index in hashtable.