MMO Tutorial

All the tutorials and things I find in the assest store for Unity all includes rooms/lobby systems. Is there one set up for the MMO style that is a seamless world?


  • Tobias
    We don't run the servers with the "MMO" interest management logic, so we decided to not publish those demos in the Asset Store.
    Everything MMO related for Photon is in the ServerSDK which you can download here.

    Disclaimer: That project is pretty complex and also not anything near production ready. It's a proof of concept and framework how to implement seamless worlds on top of Photon. Some games have been produced based on this but in all cases, heavy modifications were done.

    Hope you like it anyways ;)
  • Rather than letting the player Create a room, you could just force a player to create the room, making it feel like there's already a server running when they are actually creating a room.