PUN to PASK connection on Azure emulator


I read the PASK guide and was able to connect PUN to cloud worker on Azure, but having an issue doing so locally. As far as I understand, PASK in local environment doesn’t support UDP, so I have to connect through TCP ports and specifically the 4530 one? So I start LoadBalancing project debugging in VS (compute and storage emulators startup normally as well), setup PUN in self hosted mode and set IP and port 4530, but on connection I have a fail and this 3 guys saying:
Error trying to receive. Exception: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
Exception while connecting to: Check if the server is available.
The server address is (localhost): Make sure the server is running on this machine. Android and iOS emulators have their own localhost.

I tried telnet 4530 and it seems to be working just like it was with cloud worker, so I just have no idea, why Unity can’t see it… I also tried using different ports, but it was all the same.


  • Philip
    Elringus wrote:
    ... As far as I understand, PASK in local environment doesn’t support UDP, so I have to connect through TCP ports and specifically the 4530 one?

    I guess the documentation needs a bit of clarification in that point ...

    In the emulator the instances ramped up get the IPs 127.255.0.{instanceindex} meaning that if you start 3 nodes they will have the ip's
    where the master will be always the first

    So you should be able to connect to the well known ports Udp=5055, Tcp=4530 on

    You can check the logs in C:\photon-logs\instance_0\Photon\Photon-Default0-XXXXXX.log to see what photon is being setup with, you should see something like:

    69340: 16:07:11.602 - Forcing all applications ids to: "Master"
    69340: 16:07:11.602 - Routing policy file requests to: "Policy"
    69340: 16:07:11.602 - Adding TCP listener on : 10300 with a listen backlog of: 150
  • Thanks for the explanation. I managed connecting to, but now I’m having a strange issue on creating room. When executing PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom("test") following error appears in Unity console:
    Error trying to receive. Exception: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive (System.Byte[] buffer) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at ExitGames.Client.Photon.NConnect.Run () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    And here is what I get in MSMaster.log at the same time:

    [code2=plain]2013-02-14 15:36:24,318 [14] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterApplication [(null)] - Received init request from game client on leader node
    2013-02-14 15:36:24,375 [13] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterClientPeer [(null)] - OnOperationRequest: pid=1, op=252
    2013-02-14 15:36:24,432 [10] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterClientPeer [(null)] - OnOperationRequest: pid=1, op=230
    2013-02-14 15:36:24,483 [12] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterClientPeer [(null)] - OnOperationRequest: pid=1, op=229
    2013-02-14 15:36:25,797 [13] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterClientPeer [(null)] - OnOperationRequest: pid=1, op=252
    2013-02-14 15:36:25,797 [13] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterClientPeer [(null)] - OnOperationRequest: pid=1, op=227
    2013-02-14 15:36:25,798 [13] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.GameState [(null)] - Added peer: gameId=test, userId=, joiningPeers=1
    2013-02-14 15:36:25,816 [13] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterClientPeer [(null)] - Disconnect: pid=1: reason=ClientDisconnect, detail=[/code2]
    I looked through other logs, but was unable to find anything, that could explain the cause of the problem.
    Again, it’s working perfectly on the cloud, but fails for Azure emulator.
  • I also checked PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed data while creating room, if this could help:
    First it's "JoinedLobby" while I'm in lobby after successful connection, then, after executing PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom() it’s changing to “DisconnectingFromMasterserver”, then “ConnectingToGameserver”, then “System.Net.Sockets.SocketException” rises and after all it stays as “PeerCreated”.
  • Philip
    I just checked and can confirm your issue - sorry about that.

    Its a miss confuguration in the Photon.Azure.Loadbalancing.dll.config the ports have to be configured like this:

    <setting name="GamingTcpPort" serializeAs="String">
    <setting name="GamingUdpPort" serializeAs="String">
    <setting name="GamingWebSocketPort" serializeAs="String">

    To FIX the issue: make the change to the file, rebuild and upload AzureLoadbalancing to the local storage!

    After the change you should see something like this in the the Master.log:

    [code2=plain]2013-02-19 12:16:59,822 [13] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.GameServer.IncomingGameServerPeer [(null)] - Received register request: Address=, UdpPort=10400, TcpPort=10300, WebSocketPort=10500, State=Normal[/code2]

    Notice the ports being reported (10300-10500) are also beeing reported in the Photon-Default0-XXXX.log - as endpoints photon is listening on:

    [code2=plain]76 11040: 12:16:58.322 - Adding TCP listener on : 4530 with a listen backlog of: 150
    83 11040: 12:16:58.322 - Adding TCP listener on : 10300 with a listen backlog of: 150
    90 11040: 12:16:58.322 - Adding TCP listener on : 4520 with a listen backlog of: 150
    98 11040: 12:16:58.322 - Adding UDP listener on : 5055 with a listen backlog of: 500
    102 11040: 12:16:58.322 - Adding UDP listener on : 10400 with a listen backlog of: 500
    103 11040: 12:16:58.322 - Adding TCP Policy listener on : 843 with a listen backlog of: 150 and routing to application: "Policy"
    105 11040: 12:16:58.322 - Adding TCP Policy listener on : 943 with a listen backlog of: 150 and routing to application: "Policy"
    107 11040: 12:16:58.323 - Adding TCP "Chunk" listener on : 666 with a listen backlog of: 150 and routing to application: "Master"
    111 11040: 12:16:58.323 - Adding WebSocket TCP listener on : 9090 with a listen backlog of: 150
    119 11040: 12:16:58.323 - Adding WebSocket TCP listener on : 10500 with a listen backlog of: 150[/code2]

    To see that its working it might be easier to test with {sdk}\src-server\LoadBalancing\TestClient.
    Change the app.config to

    <add key="ServerAddress" value="" />
    <!-- game settings -->
    <add key="NumClientsPerGame" value="2" />
    <add key="NumGames" value="1" />
    <add key="ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri" value="" />

    before the change you see the client trying to connect to a port Photon isn't listening on:
    [code2=plain]2013-02-19 11:58:34,584 [3] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.TestClient.ConnectionStates.GameServer - GAME: Connecting to game server at
    2013-02-19 11:58:34,581 [3] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.TestClient.ConnectionStates.Master - MASTER: Create game response: address=, gameId=MYPC(10556)1[/code2]

    after the change you should see the correct port beeing used:
    [code2=plain]2013-02-19 12:17:58,823 [7] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.TestClient.ConnectionStates.Master - MASTER: Create game response: address=, gameId=MYPC(10164)1
    2013-02-19 12:17:58,826 [7] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.TestClient.ConnectionStates.GameServer - GAME: Connecting to game server at[/code2]
  • Philip
    Note: that to develop and test your custom code in the Master or the Gameserver apps you don't need to start them using the azure emulator - its easier just starting your apps in one photon instance as we do when you "just" start loadbalancing in the photon control.