Bootcamp for more than two players?

edited January 2013 in Any Topic & Chat

We have worked with the Bootcamp example including photon but we can only be two players in a room at a time.

How do we make it possible to be more than two players in a room at a time?

Best regards Aske


  • Tobias
    You can change this really simple: Open usePhoton.cs and find the method CreateGame. In it, change the 2 in "this.GameInstance.OpCreateRoom(..., 2, ...)" to 4, 8 or anything else.
    Calling OpCreateRoom makes the server create a new room and doing so, you can set a max player value.
    The 2 in this case is too low for a game but was meant to show what happens when rooms get full.
  • Aske
    Fantastic news.

    Thank you very much!