Get Operation's Invocation ID

edited July 2012 in Native
Hi every1,

I'm wondering how to get the Invocation ID of an OperationResponse from objective-c. Can someone help me out on this because as far as i'm seeing it, the onOperationResponse callback does not include the value for invoc id.

Cheers :)


  • Tobias
    That's because we removed the invocationID.
    It was rarely used and could be solved with an optional parameter for operations, too. Admittedly, this needs a little customization: Operations need this optional parameter and have to include it in responses. Client side, the methods that create operations have to add the invocation where you want it.
  • Oh i see. Thanks for the reply. We needed it specifically to track connection timeouts, already added the parameter on our base operation class.

    Cheers. :)
  • Tobias
    You don't have to track timeouts. Photon does.
    Can you explain what you try to accomplish?
  • Tobias wrote:
    That's because we removed the invocationID.
    It was rarely used and could be solved with an optional parameter for operations, too. Admittedly, this needs a little customization: Operations need this optional parameter and have to include it in responses. Client side, the methods that create operations have to add the invocation where you want it.

    I can see how I would add Invocation ID back into the operations that I have created, but how would I add the Invocation ID back into the native Lite operations short of copying all of the HandleXXX functions from LitePeer & LiteGame? The response is created inside of the HandleXXX functions and there is no virtual touch point that I can find that is being used.
  • Tobias
    The "native" Lite operations are also available in source. Modify those that need an invocation ID.
    Maybe you can also modify the base class Operation for that. I'm not sure without looking that up, you maybe work more on the server side than I do.