Received RPC xxx but this PhotonView does not exist!

I'm curious about the error message: Received RPC xxx but this PhotonView does not exist!

I understand what is going on, I have sent a RPC to an object that got destroyed before the call had a chance to make it. My question is, if this is acceptable in my game logic, can I safely ignore this error?

If I have two players who are both able to destroy an object and one says "Dear master client, I've hit object X, please PhotonNetwork.Destory it" and by the time the message gets there the master client says "Actually, I already destroyed it myself", is the fact that I get this error message something I need to be concerned with? If not, is there a way I can mark an RPC in a way that will not produce this error? If this is something I need to be concerned about, why?



  • Leepo
    Nah we simply show you the error that this RPC could not be executed and has been dropped. In this case it's perfectly fine, just ignore it if it's being fired only once (and when you expect it). The performance overhead is neglectable.
  • That's good news, thanks for the response.
  • If this is true, that there are possible cases where it makes sense to send an RPC to an object that might not exist by the time the RPC gets there and that this won't cause any subsequent issues, is there a way to not log an error for these specific calls? If not, it would be nice to have an option so the console doesn't get clogged up with errors that are safe to ignore.

  • Tobias
    There is no option to disable this but you can (safely) remove this output, if you like:
    Each log entry comes with a full stacktrace. That basically shows where the origin of a particular log entry is.
    Look up the place in our code and comment it out. Done :)