How to compile prealpha version

edited March 2012 in Native
I am new to Android NDK. I downloaded lastest NDK from android developer site. I compile & ran sample application by their instruction, it's running fine in my device.

Now I done the same step to compile the demo Loadbalancing project. But it show following comments in terminal,

I set the NDK_MODULE_PATH environmental variable to my android ndk path.
DAX:android administrator$ cd /Volumes/Data/Android/Photon-AndroidNDK_v3-0-1-0-PreAlpha_SDK/Demos/demo_loadBalancing/android 

DAX:android administrator$ /Users/administrator/Documents/android-ndk-r7b/ndk-build

Android NDK: /Users/administrator/Documents/android-ndk-r7b/sources/android/native_app_glue/ Cannot find module with tag 'loadbalancing-cpp-prebuilt' in import path    

Android NDK: Are you sure your NDK_MODULE_PATH variable is properly defined ?    

Android NDK: The following directories were searched:    

Android NDK:         

jni/ *** Android NDK: Aborting.    .  Stop.

Is there any changes need to made in

Please help. how to compile and run your demo app in Mac OS x

Thanks in advance.


  • Kaiserludi
    We currently do not support OS X as development platfom with the NDK SDK, but just Windows for now and we have not tested, if this may work on OS X, too.
    However please try to add the paths o the libs in the sdk to a new environment variable, which you have to call NDK_MODULE_PATH.
    In your case it should look like the following:

    This should help on the error, which you are currently experiencing, although i can't tell, if it will work afterwards, or if you get some other issues, as we have never tested on OS X with NDK, yet, so for now, if you are able to do so, please use it on Windows.

    Setting NDK_MODULE_PATH will not be needed anymore with the next release.
  • kav
    I also use a mac OS X, is there any progress?