How to change Photon Voice Region

edited February 2019 in Photon Voice
I am trying to change the region of the PhotonVoiceNetwork client.
I can change the region of PUN, no problem. I disconnect and the reconnect PUN with a new region code, then join or create a room on the new region master server.

With PhotonVoiceNetwork set to automatically connect, join, and disconnect, it will disconnect and reconnect when I switch the PUN region, but it always connects to the best region.

I would like to be able to switch the PhotonVoiceNetwork region when the PUN region is changed. I should be able to do this manually.
I have tried turning off the auto connect and disconnect in Photon Voice and then running:
AppSettings appS = new AppSettings();
        appS.AppIdVoice = PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.AppSettings.AppIdVoice;
        appS.AppIdRealtime = PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.AppSettings.AppIdRealtime;
        appS.UseNameServer = true;
        appS.FixedRegion = PhotonNetwork.CloudRegion;
Which works, and Photon Voice Network will connect to master server with the new region code and the client state becomes ConnectedToMasterserver.
So then I try to join a room with:
EnterRoomParams erps = new EnterRoomParams();
            erps.RoomName = PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.Name;           
This causes the state to go to Joining, but immediately back to ConnectedToMasterServer without any information even in log level ALL. It never gets to Joined.

What step am I missing to manually connect Photon Voice to a selected region and then join a room?

I am using Unity 2018.3 and PUN 2 and Photon Voice 2. I have everything else with PUN and Photon Voice working great, until I switch regions on PUN and I can't do the same with Photon Voice.



  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @mlaibow,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    You are describing two issues:

    1. How to set Photon Voice region
    2. Photon Voice can't join a room

    Regarding 1, make sure appS.FixedRegion = PhotonNetwork.CloudRegion; is not null or empty before calling photonVoiceNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings(appS);. Once connected in Photon Voice, log the region and server address from PhotonVoiceNetwork.Client.

    Regarding 2, where did you increase the log level? You should increase it for PhotonVoiceNetwork and maybe from the AppSettings itself.

    For both 1 and 2, you can use SupportLogger by enabling it from PhotonVoiceNetwork.
  • mlaibow
    I do not believe I have a problem with 1 - setting voice region.
    I am able to use the above code to set the AppSettings to a fixed region and connect.

    The problem is with 2 - Photon Voice can't join a room.

    I have increased the log level on both the PhotonVoiceNetwork and the Photon Network Settings, and I have enabled support logger.

    I can confirm that the region is changing and the PHotonVoiceNetwork is connected to master.
    When I run the OpJoinRoom as above, first I see:

    [PhotonVoiceController.PhotonVoiceNetwork] OnVoiceStateChanged from ConnectedToMasterserver to Joining

    as expected, but then it immediately does this:
    [PhotonVoiceController.PhotonVoiceNetwork] OnVoiceStateChanged from Joining to ConnectedToMasterserver

    and it goes right back and does not join the room.
    maybe i am not setting up the EnterRoomParams properly?

  • mlaibow
    edited February 2019
    I seem to have it working now.
    It turned out to be the fact that I was using the same room name for Voice as I was for PUN, and then I was calling OpJoinRoom instead of OpJoinOrCreateRoom.

    The code that works is:
        public override void OnJoinedRoom() {
            print("OnJoinedRoom " + PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.Name);
            AppSettings appS = new AppSettings();
            appS.AppIdVoice = PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.AppSettings.AppIdVoice;
            appS.AppIdRealtime = PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.AppSettings.AppIdRealtime;
            appS.UseNameServer = true;
            appS.FixedRegion = PhotonNetwork.CloudRegion;
        private void VoiceClient_StateChanged(ClientState arg1, ClientState arg2) {
            //Debug.Log("Voice state changed from " + arg1.ToString() + " to " + arg2.ToString() + " region " + photonVoiceNetwork.Client.CloudRegion);
            if(arg2 == ClientState.ConnectedToMasterserver) {
                string voiceRoomName = string.Format("{0}{1}", PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.Name, PhotonVoiceNetwork.VoiceRoomNameSuffix);
                Photon.Realtime.RoomOptions voiceRoomOptions = new Photon.Realtime.RoomOptions { IsVisible = false }; 
                PhotonVoiceNetwork.Instance.Client.OpJoinOrCreateRoom(new EnterRoomParams { RoomName = voiceRoomName, RoomOptions = voiceRoomOptions });
            } else if (arg2 == ClientState.Joined) {
                RoomVoiceObject = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(,, Quaternion.identity, (byte)0);
    I basically broke up the code in the FollowPUN function in the PhotonVoiceNetwork script and call connect for voice with the new region in the settings after PUN joins a room, then when Voice is connected JoinOrCreate the voice room
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @mlaibow,

    I think you may be reinventing the wheel here?
    Your code does exactly what the AutoConnectAndJoin feature does.
    Why do you need this?
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    For your use case, here is something you can try without changing the code and you can use custom room names.

    In PhotonVoiceNetwork.cs, lines 360-369 replace:
    private void FollowPun()
                if (applicationIsQuitting)
                if (PhotonNetwork.NetworkClientState == this.ClientState)
                    if (PhotonNetwork.NetworkClientState == ClientState.Joined)
    private void FollowPun()
                if (applicationIsQuitting)
                if (PhotonNetwork.NetworkClientState == this.ClientState)
                    if (PhotonNetwork.NetworkClientState == ClientState.Joined && this.AutoConnectAndJoin)