PhotonServerPlugin How to use OnRaiseEvent ()

Hello. I am a beginner.
I am creating online games with SelfHosted PhotonServer and Unity.
All the tests are in my PC.
I want to do POST from PhotonServer (via HTTP) to Apache HTTP Server using Plugin, but it will not work.
When calling RaiseEvent with Unity, I think Plugin will be called, but is my recognition incorrect?
Or what kind of code is missing?


First of all, I built a plugin and a factory and then built it.
I referred to the Plugins Manual and SDK samples.
Sample [Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK \ src-server \ Plugins \ TestPlugins \ SyncAsyncHttpTestPlugin.cs]

//Plugin Class.
namespace Photon.Hive.Plugin
    class PluginTest:PluginBase

        public override string Name
            get { return this.GetType().Name; }

        public override void OnRaiseEvent(IRaiseEventCallInfo info)
            if (info.Request.EvCode != 3)
                var request = new HttpRequest
                    Async = info.Request.EvCode == 1,
                    Url = "",      //LocalHost
                    Callback = this.HttpRequestCallback,
                    UserState = info,

                this.PluginHost.BroadcastEvent(ReciverGroup.All, 0, 0, info.Request.EvCode, null, 0);

        private void HttpRequestCallback(IHttpResponse response, object userState)
            var info = (IRaiseEventCallInfo)userState;
            this.PluginHost.BroadcastEvent(ReciverGroup.All, 0, 0, info.Request.EvCode, null, 0);

//Factory Class.

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Photon.Hive.Plugin
    public class PluginFactory : Photon.Hive.Plugin.IPluginFactory

        public IGamePlugin Create(
              IPluginHost host,
              string pluginName,                    // name of plugin requested by client
              Dictionary<string, string> config,    // plugin settings
              out string errorMsg)
            var plugin = new PluginTest();
            if (plugin.SetupInstance(host, config, out errorMsg))
                return plugin;
            return null;

Next, I placed the build dll in Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK \ deploy \ Plugins \ PluginTest \ bin.
Next, I added the following XML node to the file "Photon.LoadBalancing.dll.config" (Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK \ deploy \ Loadbalancing \ GameServer \ bin)
  <PluginSettings Enabled="true">
              Type="Photon.Hive.Plugin.PluginFactory" />
After setting up so far, if you run PhotonServer (LoadBalancing (MyCloud) - Start as application) and check the log, it seems that the dll you created can be read well.
2018-12-10 18:44:06,279 [1] INFO  Photon.Hive.Plugin.PluginManager - Plugin Type Photon.Hive.Plugin.PluginFactory from assembly PluginTest, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null was successfuly created
2018-12-10 18:44:06,303 [1] INFO  Photon.Hive.Plugin.PluginManager - Plugin manager (version= is setup. type=Photon.Hive.Plugin.PluginFactory;path=C:\MyPhoton\Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\deploy\Plugins\PluginTest\\bin\PluginTest.dll;version=
Next I wrote the code to send and receive RaiseEvent with Unity.
using UnityEngine;

public class PhotonManager : Photon.MonoBehaviour {
    private enum EEventType : byte
        Hello = 1,

    private void OnGUI()

    void Awake()
        PhotonNetwork.OnEventCall += OnRaiseEvent;

    private void Start()
        PhotonNetwork.autoJoinLobby = true;

    //Auto Connection.
    void OnJoinedLobby()
        string userId = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100).ToString();
        PhotonNetwork.AuthValues = new AuthenticationValues();
        PhotonNetwork.AuthValues.UserId = userId;
        // connect

        RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions()
            MaxPlayers = 20,
            IsOpen = true,
            IsVisible = true,
        PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom("room1", roomOptions, null);

    void OnJoinedRoom()


    //Raise Send Button Event.
    public void OnRaiseButton()
        var option = new RaiseEventOptions()
            CachingOption = EventCaching.DoNotCache,
            Receivers = ReceiverGroup.All,
        Debug.Log("Raise Send");
        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent((byte)EEventType.Hello, "Hello!", true, option);

    //Receive Raise.
    private void OnRaiseEvent(byte i_eventcode, object i_content, int i_senderid)
        var eventType = (EEventType)i_eventcode;
        switch (eventType)
            case EEventType.Hello:
                Debug.Log((string)i_content+"  SenderId:"+i_senderid);
Finally, I set up the Apache side, I would like to access the following PHP file from PhotonServer via Apache.
echo "Myphp Test";

Error that occurred

Launch Apache & Unity and Raise, the following Debug.Log will appear.
Raise Send
Operation 253 failed in a server-side plugin. Check the configuration in the Dashboard. Message from server-plugin: none of Photon.Hive.Plugin.RaiseEventCallInfo's method were called
NetworkingPeer:OnOperationResponse(OperationResponse) (at Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/NetworkingPeer.cs:1625)
PhotonHandler:Update() (at Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/PhotonHandler.cs:161)
Also, the following error appears in 'Log' of PhotonServer.
ERROR Photon.Hive.HiveGame.HiveHostGame.Plugin - MissingCallProcessing for type:Photon.Hive.Plugin.RaiseEventCallInfo in Plugin:'Name:PluginTest, Version:1.0 AppId:C2A0-xxxxxxxx, AppVersion:'.

I tried google about the error that occurred, but I could not find anything.
In my code, it seems that the "Outbound HTTP Calls" section of the Plugins Manual is missing.
In that case, how should we incorporate OnHttpResponse () or PostJson ()?
What else should I add?
Thank you for reading.

Best Answer


  • hirakata
    @chvetsov mod.
    Thank you for answering!
    I solved it according to the answer!