Players don't see spawned mobs

Hi, i'm begginer with Photon, i successfuly built the code to make the players join and play together in the same room.

But when i try to spawn something with
var herbivorousObject = PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject(SpawnablePrefabs.Find(go => go.CompareTag("herbivorous")).name,, Quaternion.identity);
Or with PhotonNetwork.Instanciate() or even tried with custom stuff with RPC, either cases, the players can't see the spawned mobs.
Obviously the prefab has a PhotonView attached, also tried to add PhotonTransformView and set it as an observed component in the PhotonView ... Anyway nothing better

Anyone can help me ?


  • Nargdev
    Its been in my experience that the best way is to debug every part of the code. Make sure the code is finding the prefabs correctly, is the spawn location visible? etc etc