Error using PhotonNetwork.ConnectToBestCloudServer().


Just upgraded to PUN2, but I seem to get an error when using PhotonNetwork.ConnectToBestCloudServer(). I get the following error: "GetRegions failed. Can't provide regions list. Error: -2: Missing value 224 (GetRegionListRequest.ApplicationId)".

I turned on the all logging and seem to get this when getting the region list: "PUN got region list. Going to ping minimum regions, based on this previous result summary: eu;24;asia,au,cae,eu,in,jp,kr,ru,rue,sa,us,usw"

The whitelist is empty on my dashboard so that I can receive every region for testing. Also using PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings() does work though.

I don't this the 24 is correct? Maybe I'm still doing something wrong?
