Basic Scoreboard System

I was really hoping there was a simplistic scoreboard tutorial in the docs or on the site somewhere but this seems to be hard to find. Currently I have a very simplistic scoreboard based around 2 players. Since I know exactly how many players will be in the game, I just enable the UI text that displays the name and the points.

So when player 1 joins the game, the first set of text elements are enabled and I change the text of both to the name of the player and the amount of points he has. When player 2 joins the same is supposed to happen for the next set of text elements. At the moment this kind of works, but it's not synced across the network. So player one only sees his name and points enabled, and player 2 only sees their name and points enabled. This is what I currently have at the moment:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ScoreManager : Photon.PunBehaviour

    public static ScoreManager Instance;
    public int player;
    public Text[] nameText;
    public Text[] scoreText;
    public int[] currentPoints;
    public int totalPoints = 10;

    void Start()
        Instance = this;
        player = NetworkLauncher.Instance.avatarIndex;

    void InitScoreboard()
        foreach (PhotonPlayer p in PhotonNetwork.playerList)

            scoreText[player].enabled = true;
            nameText[player].enabled = true;
        nameText[player].text = "Player " + (player + 1);
        currentPoints[player] = 0;
        totalPoints = 10;


    public void UpdateScore()
        Debug.Log("You got hit");
        currentPoints[player] += 1;
        scoreText[player].text = currentPoints[player].ToString();
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    void CheckScore()
        if (currentPoints[player] >= totalPoints)
            currentPoints[player] = totalPoints;
            Debug.Log("Game Over " + "player " + player + " has Won");
I used the first method as a RPC thinking that whenever someone joins the game they're going to enable one of the text groups to display a new name with points and that will then update for all players on the network. When I join a game they don't update across the network though. So one player sees their name and points but no one else. It's like it only enables it locally.

The scoreboard is already present in the level before starting, so does this need to be instantiated instead? Am I missing something in my script to enable/disable these game objects properly? It looks like the points work just fine, but I just need all this information to be available to all players.
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