Reliable and unreliable Photon View on the same object?

I'm syncing the position of a character, which should work with unreliable since it's ok if it misses one update, but I'm also syncing health, which I think should be reliable, since I want to make sure the character health is displayed correctly.

Should I use two photon views on the same object, and observe different scripts? For the position, I'm only using Photon Transform View, and not observing anything, does it still respect the reliable/unreliable setting on the Photon view?



  • Hi @nicmar,

    Should I use two photon views on the same object, and observe different scripts?

    No. Since health points are values, that aren't updated that often, you can use a RPC for synchronizing them instead of the OnPhotonSerializeView function.
  • nicmar
    Great, thanks. I kinda figured that out as I work through Photon, starting to get the hang of it slowly.. :)

    If I understand it correclty, an RPC is always sent realiably, right?
  • If I understand it correclty, an RPC is always sent realiably, right?

    Yes, exactly.