Sky-Arena Project not working

Hey guys, since I'm stuck with my progress I wanted to look up the Sky-Arena Asset in the Unity store and purchased it. Now I'm trying it and the project won't start because of some Hashtable-Errors, also none of the Scripts are attached to the Objects, what am I doing wrong?



  • Dochder
    I've extracted the into the ProjectSettings-Folder, but this didn't change the behaviour.
  • Hi @Dochder,

    I guess you are using Unity 2018, don't you? The Sky Arena project sadly is not compatible with Unity 2018 out of the box, because it is not using the latest PUN version which introduced support for Unity 2018.

    To possibly make this working, you can try to update PUN inside the Sky Arena project with the latest version (currently 1.90) from the Asset Store. However I can't guarantee that this is working afterwards. Another option you have is to add the UNITY_2018 compile define to each class which is throwing error messages.

    Please let me know if you have further questions. You can also ask about the problems you currently seem to have with your other project.
  • Dochder
    Hi @Christian_Simon,

    basically I downloaded it because I needed to see some line of codes, in the end I found my own way and until now things work out nicely. When I got time again, I will try it with your advice.