Protection of photon AppID

I'm curious about AppID i'm using when compiling a project. Does it have some protection? Is it possible for someone who want to hack my game decompile a unity project and rebuild a working version? Or he will not be able to setup an appid again? Thank you!)


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Hi @FoxyShadow,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    First, you should not share or expose your AppId.
    Second, try obfuscation to make it harder to decompile your game. (good article)
    Third, use Custom Authentication to block hackers using their UserIDs and allow only known users to connect.
  • FoxyShadow
    edited June 2018
    @JohnTube Thanks for the tip! :)

    First point is obvious :)
    I know about the second point, I just wanted to know whether AppId lies in a built project protected ot not.
    I have MMO game, so I can't restrict users to register :)

    So... As I guess AppId can be found in built project?...
  • FoxyShadow
    Yeah.. I found it in a built project as it is. That's bad. Even with obfuscation constants will be same as I know. Obfuscation make it harder, but not impossible...
  • lennart862
    I don't know whether that's possible but you could try writing something else into the AppID window and add a script to your project which gets this ID from a cloud. You could do it even more safely if the cloud sends you the ID backward and your script decrypts it.
  • Hey guys!

    AppId is using only to connect to cloud, create/leave rooms and thats it? Not for a gameplay events like a OpRaise events ect?

    And custom auth provides like a double check on the cloud level, or custom auth is for a client side only?

    For example if AppId ok, but auth is not, i will not connect because of client side or a server side?