Extra prefabs gets spawned

I use the following code to spawn Players. But when its called both master and client there are extra prefabs getting spawned.

Can someone help me?

Exactly 3 Target(clone) and Player(clone) are instantiated in the scene.
	public void RPC_SpawnTargets()
		int i = 1;		
               TargetFormation=GameObject.Find("Target Formation").GetComponent<Transform>();
		foreach (Transform child in TargetFormation ) 
			GameObject target = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(Path.Combine("Prefabs","Target"),child.transform.position,Quaternion.identity,0) as GameObject;
			target.name = "Target ("+i+")";			
			target.transform.parent = child;
			print("Target Function called "+i+" times");			
		i = 0;		

	public void RPC_SpawnPlayers()
		int i = 1;		
		PlayerFormation=GameObject.Find("Player Formation").GetComponent<Transform>();
		foreach (Transform child in PlayerFormation ) 
			GameObject player =PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(Path.Combine("Prefabs","Player"),child.transform.position,Quaternion.identity,0) as GameObject;
			player.name = "Player ("+i+")";			
			player.transform.parent = child;		
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