OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed doesn't fire when typedLobby is used


I'm using the PUN in my game Armored Squad for more than 4 months now. I haven't changing anything in the connection code but this week many of my players ( including myself) faced connection problems.

here's the code I use to joint to the random room with desired level of player's mech:
void JoinRandomRoom()
var minMechLevel = (playerMechLevel - mechDifferenceToJoinRoom).ToString();
var maxMechLevel = (playerMechLevel + mechDifferenceToJoinRoom).ToString();
TypedLobby sqlLobby = new TypedLobby("myLobby", LobbyType.SqlLobby);
string sqlLobbyFilter = "C0 BETWEEN " + minMechLevel + " AND " + maxMechLevel; // find a game with mechLevel
PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom(null, 0, MatchmakingMode.FillRoom, sqlLobby, sqlLobbyFilter);

if there's no rooms with desired mech level found, I increase the value of "mechDifferenceToJoinRoom" by one and try to join random room again. I do it in the OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed:

public override void OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed(object[] codeAndMsg)

//try to join room with higher mechLevel difference. If no luck - create new room.
if (mechDifferenceToJoinRoom < maxMechDifferenceInRooms)

everything used to work for 4 months without any problems. But now the OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed just don't get fired. Instead OnPhotonJoinRoomFailed get fired with error code 32758.

I've tried to get the list of rooms with PhotonNetwork.GetCustomRoomsList using the same typedLobby and sqlFilter. All of the rooms I get seems valid, open, visible and I can join any of them manually ( by using the ID).

why PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom fails to join?

why doesn't the OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed get fired?

Thank you!


  • AndreyK
    Ok, I was wrong. One of the rooms returned by GetCustomRoomsList is "faulty". It is open, visible, it claims to always have the same number of players (7), but if you try to connect to it, photon fires the OnPhotonJoinRoomFailed with error code 32758 ( Game doesn't exist).

    What could cause the problem?