PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient always false when using PUN Cloud


I'm using Unity 2017.3.1 with PUN Cloud v1.88 (20. December 2017) and I have a bool that is set when the client is Master, such as:
void Update()
            if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
                _isMasterClient = true;
and for my Join Lobby
void OnJoinedLobby()
            RoomOptions ro = new RoomOptions() { IsVisible = true, MaxPlayers = 10 };
            PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom("Test", ro, TypedLobby.Default);
Since I'm the only one in the room, my PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient is never set to true, it is always false. I feel like I'm doing something very wrong.

Any suggestions?



  • Hi @matrix211v2,

    if you are the only client in the room, you are automatically the MasterClient by default. Can you confirm that you are joining an empty room at all? You can check this by taking a look at the PlayerList or the PlayerCount when OnJoinedRoom is called.