The best way about the network in this game


I will try to be very concrete and any help is welcome.
I'm trying to make a similar game of this one :

As you can see, the synchronization is very important. My fantasy is that every frame must be the same on each client.

My issue is with the synchronization, following the help on the forum, the movement is very nice synced.
But when I try to instantiate a collider behind player it's not good synced.
( Aswell, when someone have a bad connexion, he is just stuck, and I dont want this. )

I would like to know if I can make this following system =>
the photon server make all the photon player moving forward and the server instantiate the wall behing them.
I'm wondering that because if is that possible I think that all movement & instantiation should be sync.

Can someone tell me if with that system above the synchronization should works nice and if it's the most approriate way ?
Or if there is another way that I can use to send data over Photon ?


  • M4TT
    I'm wondering about the sync with this system, can it works well ? :
    //make all players move toward by PunRPC
    //instantiate something every 0.3s by PunRPC