Instantinating a PhotonView every ~0.25 sec, each gets destroyed after ~1-2 sec. That's OK?


OK, i'm trying my best to explain my question...

I'm working on a Coop Roguelike game.
And there are a few items that make the player spawn things many times, like "Homing Missiles". If you got many of those items the player will spawn a lot of them. Like one Missile every ~0.25 sec or so. Then after the Missile hits its Target the Missile gets destroyed.
Every Missile only needs a Target, Position and such is Not synced. So it's only one Instantiate and one Destroy message that i need to send.

What i thought is that PhotonViews are not supposed to be used that way, or being destroyed so quickly.
Is that right?
I wrote a simple system to handle many missiles with RPCs. And that's working fine. But i wonder if usung PhotonViews would have been fine to use too. PhotonViews would have made some things easier for me.



  • Lizzard4000
    Is my question too confusing?
  • Hi @Lizzard4000,

    I wrote a simple system to handle many missiles with RPCs. And that's working fine.

    I guess having this is already the best option you could have chosen. Of course working with PhotonViews might be easier because you wouldn't have to implement another system to handle this scenario. But having this custom solution also removes some workload on the server because there is no need to store the Instantiation information and remove it immediately afterwards. Again: your implementation already seems to be a good solution for the scenario.