i am new here , i have many questions ?

my first one
when i download the package from asset store
i run scene in two pcs
with different internet connections
so i found that i am able to connect two players from different places around world
my question is
when i create a new room
and other player from another pc join me
does it mean that i am the server now and other player join me ?
or does it mean that there is a big server from photon Engine that host us all with a room he has ?
sorry for entry level question , but i have to understand to be able to work well


  • Hi @MostafaYahia and welcome,

    does it mean that i am the server now and other player join me ?

    No, the game / room is always hosted in the Cloud when using PUN. But in this case you are the MasterClient, which is a client with some more privileges, for example Instantiation of Scene Objects.

    or does it mean that there is a big server from photon Engine that host us all with a room he has ?

    There are multiple servers spread across the world. PUN for example comes with the Best Region options, which pings all available Cloud regions and selects the one with the best ping in order to connect the client to those servers.