Question about Network Culling Handler

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my post.

I'm currently trying to wrap my head around how the built in NetworkCullingHandler and CullArea work with PUN. You can find them mentioned and referenced here.

I am currently making a large map multiplayer FPS which has 24 players in the world at a time in peer to peer environment. Obviously I need to be very careful about how many messages I send across the network with this many peers as it could easily create lag. So I'm using network culling to alleviate this. My first question is do RPCS also take into account the built in culling that Photon provides with these scripts or do they ignore this altogether? If they ignore this altogether what methodology should I use instead of RPCS or is there a workaround with RPCS. I'm using RPCs for player shooting, and player death. If 24 players are shooting at the same time all over the map this could create lag. I'd like to cull some of this if possible.
