Analyzing disconnects of the master client


Is there a way to see what is in the queue? My master client sometimes gets disconnected when another player tries to join at the same time. I then see that ResentReliableCommands just keeps on piling up until he gets disconnected. The ResentReliableCommands count sometimes gets to 100+ when someone is joining later but it then stops and the master client just runs fine.

So is there a way to analyse which messages are causing the disconnects?

Thanks in advance!


  • Hi @gottrash,

    if you haven't done this already, I would like to recommend you reading the Analyzing Disconnects documentation page. It provides an overview about the most common disconnect reasons and also suggests some typical solutions.
  • gottrash

    Hi @gottrash,

    if you haven't done this already, I would like to recommend you reading the Analyzing Disconnects documentation page. It provides an overview about the most common disconnect reasons and also suggests some typical solutions.

    Yes I have done that but at the time did not get any practical result, although it is a very good page to check out.

    I did however found the solution to my problem about what was going on. What I was doing in my Awake method was adding my script to the ObservedComponents list of the PhotonView, but the script was attached to a lot of game objects. Since I deleted that piece of code the random disconnects of the master client didn't happen anymore!