Unity PUN auto disconnects on scene change

Hello all, i know this question should have been asked a few times here. However my issue wasnt solved no matter which solved solution i followed.

My Unity version is 5.5.0f3 and PUN is v1.87
I am calling (PhotonNetwork.automaticallySyncScene = true;) for every player on Start() before calling (PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel("scenename");) on MasterClient
Sending RPC "DoStartGame" to target: All or player:.
Received RPC: DoStartGame
PUN-instantiated 'GameManager' got destroyed by engine. This is OK when loading levels. Otherwise use: PhotonNetwork.Destroy().
Registered PhotonView: 2
OperationResponse 252: ReturnCode: 0.
OperationResponse 254: ReturnCode: 0.
OnStatusChanged: Disconnect current State: DisconnectingFromGameserver
OnStatusChanged: Connect current State: ConnectingToMasterserver
Connected to masterserver.
OnStatusChanged: EncryptionEstablished current State: Authenticating
OnEvent: Event 226.
OperationResponse 230: ReturnCode: 0.
RPCs can only be sent in rooms. Call of "DoSetGameReady" gets executed locally only, if at all.
This is my current log. Upon changing scene both the players will automatically no longer be in the same room.
What i figured:
-using DontDestroyOnLoad on a gameObject that has PhotonView will cause a duplicate error upon scene change
-calling PhotonNetwork.isMessageQueueRunning = false isnt necessary because PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel() settles it

Why does my players automatically disconnect from the room?