Unreliable Transform View

We have a live product and we did lots of testing but in some players, synchorize position and rotation stops working. We haven't seen this problem even once in our tests of hundreds so we have no idea what is going on with some players. The clue is that actually the player changed position on the other side because it shoots from the changed position but it does not change transform position on current player. Basicly the transform view does not sync on current view at all.
You can see the attached image for our setup and also we have a video in the link below:
https://everyplay.com/videos/47801131 (Normally the player rotates and runs to other directions. You can see it can throw knifes and other stuff so PunRPC commands work well.)
Can you please help us what can be the problem that some players of the same version experiencing?



  • Hi @byerdelen,

    I guess you use the PhotonTransformView component for synchronization, don't you? In this case have you already tried playing around with its 'Teleport' option? If this works, that would be at least a temporary workaround. Besides that you can check, if the 'receiving' client receives correct position updates by logging them in the DeserializeData function of the PhotonTransformViewPositionControl script. If you have a custom OnPhotonSerializeView solution for synchronization you can add logging there. The logs should show an updated position vector each time the other character moves. If you can't confirm, that updated position data is received on the client, add some logging to the sender and see what he actually writes to the stream.