Bug in PunBasics-Tutorial on Jump

I just read out PUN Basics Tutorial. I did all step by step but in the end robo still damage himself on jump. I opened included Demo in PUN asset but this bug still there. Probably main bug somwhere in PlayerManager with photonView.isMine in OnTriggerEnter/Stay. How to fix it?


  • mrsilmar
    Here my code

    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) {

    if (!photonView.isMine) {

    // We are only interested in Beamers
    // we should be using tags but for the sake of distribution, let's simply check by name.
    if (!other.name.Contains("Beam")) {

    Health -= 0.1f;

    Probably need to check that "other" is not my robo. How to implement this?
  • Hi @mrsilmar,

    did a quick test on the demo included in the PUN package from the Asset Store which worked as expected; the character isn't hitting himself. So I would say that the OnTriggerEnter callback seems to be correct as it is. When you set up the character yourself please try to push the beams a few (more) pixels away from the character's collider as seen on the screenshot in the tutorial. If it still isn't working afterwards, please feel free to ask again.