Continue Coroutine of the previous Master Client

Hello !

For example there is 3 players in the room and when the game starts the master client checks if he can start the game. if he can start the game then the game start but have to wait for 10 seconds. I use yield return new waitforseconds(10f) and then he calls another RPC to start playing the game. I have problem while in the middle of waiting for 10 seconds and the master client leaves the room, the next rpc is not fired. Help please ! Below is the preview of my code :

public IEnumerator StartGame(){


if(listPlayer.Count >= countStart){

photonView.RPC("EnableButton", PhotonTargets.All);

photonView.RPC("WaitingGame", PhotonTargets.All);

yield return new WaitForSeconds(10f);

//all the code below is not working if the master client leave before the 10 seconds waiting.

photonView.RPC("DisableButton", PhotonTargets.All);

