Controlling Unity from a C# client

At this point I'm just using the beams tutorial to test my code.

I'm trying to control Unity (PUN) from a standard C# form in a self hosted server. I've got to the point where both are connecting to the same room, but Unity is getting warnings

Warning: Unhandled event Event 0.. Set PhotonNetwork.OnEventCall.
NetworkingPeer:OnEvent(EventData) (at Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/NetworkingPeer.cs:2609)
PhotonHandler:Update() (at Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/PhotonHandler.cs:157

Is there a way to warn my Unity code that it should treat one of the clients differently?



  • steveBetl
    edited September 2017
    Sorry, did I put this in the wrong place? It's marked as moved and closed, but there isn't an answer. If you're just taking your time to get around to it then no problem. I just want to make sure it's still in the queue :)

    [Edit] Whoops, I see now - it's closed in the server thread, but live in the PUN thread. My bad.
  • Hi @steveBetl,

    one of your clients is raising an event with code 0. The Unity client tells you, that there is no event handler that deals with event code 0. So you can either ignore these warnings or add an event handler for event code 0 that either does something or nothing - depends on what you want to achieve. For further reading on the RaiseEvent topic you can take a look at this doc page.
  • Hi @Chrisaian_Simon

    Thanks for that. I've now found the places where I deal with this and think I know what to do.

