Get Player Disconnected GameObject (PhotonView)

Hi !

I use OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected(PhotonPlayer player).
I want to get the gameobject that the player instantiated before he disconnected and leave the room.
How can i do it?



  • Hi @liorium,

    I guess you are looking for something like this:
    public void OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected(PhotonPlayer otherPlayer)
        foreach (PhotonView pv in FindObjectsOfType<PhotonView>())
            if (pv.ownerId == otherPlayer.ID)
                // if the client has multiple objects instantiated you need a second condition (e.g. Tag)
  • Avalin
    edited October 2018
    I tried above and it didn't work. I put it at the top of the "public override void OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player player)" (as I assume is the equivalent in PUN2) and I got every other player instance, but the one who disconnected. Or let me clarify, using above returned me null, setting pv.Owner != null, returned me every other player than the disconnected player
  • In PUN2 it is
    public override void OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player otherPlayer)
        foreach (PhotonView pv in FindObjectsOfType<PhotonView>())
            if (pv.OwnerActorNr == otherPlayer.ActorNumber)
                // if the client has multiple objects instantiated you need a second condition (e.g. Tag)
  • Atix
    Thanks alot it helped so much!

    Here is the example from me;
    foreach (inventory inventory in FindObjectsOfType<inventory>())
                if (inventory.pv.OwnerActorNr == otherPlayer.ActorNumber) //Get disconnected players inventory
                    for (int i = inventory.itemList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) //Get all inventory items
                        if (inventory.itemList[i] != inventory.itemList[0]) //expect empty inventory item (which is 0)
                            inventory.itemList[i].gameObject.transform.parent = null;
                            inventory.itemList[i].colliderItem.enabled = true;
                            inventory.itemList[i].rigidbodyItem.isKinematic = false;

    Im finding the disconnected players inventory and dropping down each item they had.