Synchronizing a missile (projectile)!

Hello everyone, I'm having trouble synchronizing a bullet in my game! It behaves like a missile, and I need to make sure the projectile is in the same position on all machines!

Doing a position compensation, I can not guarantee that! I know I'm doing something wrong, because we see this guarantee in some games, like the Pharah missile in Overwatch, or the rocket launchers in Quake Arena, etc...

private void FixedUpdate() {
    if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
          myRigidbody.MovePosition(myTransform.position + myTransform.forward * Time.deltaTime * speed);
          lerpFraction = lerpFraction + Time.deltaTime * 9;
          myRigidbody.position = Vector3.Lerp(currentPosition, networkPos, lerpFraction);


  • individual missile sync is a bad idea unless theres only one or two missiles at one time

    i would make the missile behave the same way every time its created that way u just sync when the object is created and its direction etc

    lerping a rigid body is not a good idea, the missile doesn't need a rigid body unless it uses physics. in addition to this you will NEVER guarantee the missile position on all machines is exactly the same so its a bit pointless trying, you need to focus on making the player believe that it is

    hope this helps
  • barry100
    With the projectiles in my game. I instantiate a fake projectile for other players. this way the projectile in my view/game does all the damage etc while the projectile in the other guys view is just there for show.