PhotonView & TrueSync Issue

I basically have an account system setup on database. Everything is working login/logout/etc.

However, im using TrueSync. So when using the TrueSyncManager, and i instantiate the player when the scene starts (instantiates the 2 players perfectly), in the photonView on each player, BOTH are the master which means i cannot differentiate to present a UI for them such as Health, Name, etc.

Why do PhotonView's not work with TrueSync and how do i use TrueSync then to be able to tell who is the "master" and who is the "other client".

*Also, i have a "if (photonView.isMine)" and it still give me both of the players in the scene not just one.


  • Gage_IAG
    Any takers on this?
  • Gage_IAG
    No support for people whove bought photon+?
  • Hi @Gage_IAG,

    of course we want to help you, but we also need some free time on the weekend. For questions about TrueSync there is a separate subforum, you can find it here. Maybe @JeffersonHenrique can help you.
  • Gage_IAG
    Yea well in True Sync it states it uses photon as normal for joining rooms, etc. So thats why im on this forum and not truesync.

    I just want to know why the truesync manager instantiates the players for either client, both of the instantiations are controlled by the client in the photon view. This is a totally different way of doing things than the normal photon way it seems and generally id just store player data on the player and that way i can view that data such as name, etc on both gameobjects in the clients heirarchy.
  • Gage_IAG
    Any assistance here? Is there any way to contact the devs directly?
  • If there is no reply here or on the other subforum, please contact us via mail: