Photon View with ID 1 has no method "UpdateDict" marked with the [PunRPC](C#)

I am making an online game in unity where players can create and join rooms to play together. If I start two instances of my game, create a room on one of those instances and then join that room on the other instance, the code runs perfectly fine. On each of the instances there is an exit button, when pressed it calls PhotonNetwork.Disconnect(), which in turn calls OnDisconnectedFromPhoton() where I switch back to the main menu scene (Where I started). If I do the exact same thing over again, as in create a room on one instance and join it on the other, I get the error message that's in the title. What I don't understand is if I disconnect from photon entirely and call ConnectUsingSettings() again how should I get a different result? Furthermore, if the script with the definition of the "UpdateDict" RPC is attached to the same GO as the photon view with ID 1, how can I get an error? This can be seen in the photo below where the script I am talking about is called "Game".