Find current region for chat connection

string sRegion = //how do I get the current region the player is connected two in the right format for ChatRegion? I would prefer to not hardcode a region in there.

chatClient.ChatRegion = sRegion

also: is there a way to find out how many users are in a chat channel?
reason: default join channel: general1 if there are 50 people in general1 join general2...3...4...5... it will auto fill players in the order of the channels if they are all full then create the next general channel

I saw message.count in the documentation I don't see a count for users though, worst case i guess i can use that over the span of time if there is too much spam then leave that channel and join or create the next one, that may be better anyway but the problem then would be the entire channel would leave when that timer triggered with exceeding the max messages per minute or w/e the timer would be set too, unless I only ran the timer for the first minute the player joined the channel.